Archive for the ‘islam’ Category

» Hey fellas, announcing the return of Islamic Adult Breastfeeding Fatwas for the workplace Bare Naked Islam.


Hey fellas, announcing the return of Islamic Adult Breastfeeding Fatwas for the workplace

Raymond Ibrahim  Atiya based his fatwa on a hadith—a documented saying or doing of Islam’s prophet Muhammad and subsequently one of Sharia law’s sources of jurisprudence.  Many Egyptians naturally protested this decree—hadith or no hadith—though no one could really demonstrate how it was un-Islamic; for the fatwa conformed to the strictures of Islamic jurisprudence.  Still, due to the protests—not many Egyptian women were eager to “breastfeed” their male coworkers—the fatwa receded, and that was that. However, because it was never truly rebutted, it kept making comebacks.

For instance, three years later in 2010, a high-ranking Saudi, Sheikh Abdul Mohsin al-Abaican issued a fatwa confirming that “women could give their milk to men to establish a degree of maternal relations and get around a strict religious ban on mixing between unrelated men and women.”  But unlike Atiya’s fatwa, “the man should take the milk, but not directly from the breast of the woman. He should drink it [from a cup] and then [he] becomes a relative of the family, a fact that allows him to come in contact with the women without breaking Islam’s rules about mixing.”

Now, a report titled “Kuwaiti Activists: Husband Breastfeeding from Wife not Prohibited,” published earlier this month by Arabic RT (see also Garaa News) opens by announcing that “The adult breastfeeding fatwa has returned once again to the spotlight, after Kuwaiti Islamic activists supported the adult breastfeeding fatwa issued by the Egyptian Salafi, Sheikh Jamal al-Murakbi [different from Al Azhar’s Sheikh Atiya].  This time around, the Kuwaitis examined the adult breastfeeding fatwa in the context of relations between a man and his wife.”

While the Kuwaiti sheikhs all essentially agree that the activity is not strictly forbidden according to Sharia—only “disliked” (literally makruh)—they are divided over the particulars.

Consider for a moment the significance of these Islamic edicts: whether women “breastfeeding” coworkers (Egyptian fatwa, 2007), whether men drinking female breast-milk in a cup (Saudi fatwa, 2010), or whether Kuwaiti minutiae concerning bedroom foreplay—such fatwas are reminders of the inescapable strictures of Sharia law: while these sheikhs offers various circumstances and interpretations concerning “adult breastfeeding,” they are all confined to the words of the prophet of Islam.

This is precisely why, despite all the claims that Islam is perpetually being “misunderstood”—by terrorists, by “Islamophobes”—understanding what Islam commands and forbids is actually quite a simple matter: along with the Koran, determine what the prophet said in canonical hadiths.

It is, after all, no coincidence that the above mentioned Kuwaitis, like Sheikh Misbahi, were members of the delegation that recently went to ask Saudi Arabia’s Grand Mufti about Islam’s position on churches in the Arabian Peninsula: the same source that compelled the Grand Mufti to declare that all churches must be destroyed, is the same source that advocates “adult breastfeeding”: Muhammad and his teachings.  All very straightforward, really.

One of many satirical cartoons that appeared in Egypt in response to the “adult breastfeeding” fatwas: the man says, “I have some cookies and am only here to breastfeed for breakfast.”

» OH, BOO HOO! Those poor, starving, oppressed, no longer occupied Arabs of Gaza Bare Naked Islam.


OH, BOO HOO! Those poor, starving, oppressed, no longer occupied Arabs of Gaza

Regular BNI readers have seen these stories/photos before. Now, the folks at ‘The Religion of Peace’ have kindly put them all together in a concise overview of what life is really like for the people of Gaza. Pro-Palestinian/anti-Israel activitists: PAY ATTENTION

The Religion of Peace  

                A Picture of Life in Gaza

 Following the unilateral withdrawal of Israeli security forces in 2005, no one can claim that the Gaza Strip is “occupied territory.”  This still hasn’t stopped the usual critics from making other accusations about the misery of the people there, such as charging that the Palestinians are “under siege” from Israel and starving as a consequence.

In fact, the only siege that the people of Gaza are under is what they bring on themselves.  Their government uses donated humanitarian aid to smuggle rockets which are then fired into Israeli population centers.  When this fails to provoke Israel into conflict, Palestinian terrorists cross the border and attempt to kidnap or kill Israelis in their own land.

Likewise, there is absolutely no starvation in Gaza.  The Palestinians receive enormous amounts of free assistance from the rest of the world and are so well-fed that the territories are actually the eighth most obese ”country” in the world according to the World Health Organization:

When it comes to Gaza and the life of Palestinian “refugees”, the gap between myth and fact is so dramatic that perception almost stands reality on its head. Health and quality of life in the territories vastly exceed the average in most parts of the world – and not just where people are in more obvious need, such as Africa, but even in developed countries like China and areas of South America.

The poverty rate in Gaza is 16% – roughly equal to Spain, Germany and California. The rate of poverty is actually higher in Greece, most of the EU, and even parts of the United States, such as Washington D.C. As researcher Daniel Greenfield has pointed out, at 24%, even the poverty rate in Israel is actually 50% higher than in Gaza!

Gazans receive more free food aid per month per capita than anyone else in the world, including those living in famine-stricken regions. The average Somali, for example, receives seven times less in aid. The average Zimbabwean, with a life expectancy of 46, also receives about seven times less in food aid than the average resident of Gaza – who has a life expectancy of 73 (even higher than in Russia, Malaysia and neighboring Egypt).

It seems that while Palestinians shows one side to gullible visitors and the international media, Western taxpayers are actually subsidizing something entirely different.

The Myth:


The Reality:

Hard to keep up a facade like that with facades like these…

The Myth:


The Reality:

Not enough parking at the malls, maybe

The Myth:


The Reality:

Only if you’re on a diet

The Myth:


The Reality:

Life can be pretty good when

someone else is picking up the tab

Don’t you wish you could be a Palestinian refugee too?

 Beachside in Gaza: Waiting wistfully for the next aid flotilla?

» Paint attack on Berlin’s largest mosque reflects growing anti-Muslim sentiment in Germany Bare Naked Islam.

Paint attack on Berlin’s largest mosque reflects growing anti-Muslim sentiment in Germany

Media reports say Berlin’s largest mosque has been targeted in an ‘Islamophobic’ attack in the German capital. Unless, of course, as is often the case, it was done by Muslims themselves who always try to make themselves out as victims.

PRESS TV  Unknown assailants threw several paint bombs at Sehitlik mosque Saturday night. They also placed an insulting anti-Islam picture at the entrance to the building. Berlin police said that a threatening letter had been sent to the mosque recently. 

The Sehitlik Mosque has been the target of four arson attacks over the past three years. Berlin mosques have been the scene of at least seven fire bombings since June 2010. German Muslim leaders have time and again called for stepped up security measures for the country’s mosques and Islamic centers. (Then they better pay for it.)

They also accuse the center-right government of Chancellor Angela Merkel of trying to downplay the danger of anti-Muslim crimes caused by the wave of Islamophobia in Germany. (OH, BOO HOO. Who cares? Muslims are the cause of anti-Muslim hatred)